My Story

I grew up in Sydney in a large, close family surrounded by strong and inspiring women. My mother, grandmothers, aunts and sisters were great role models, especially in how to care and nurture others.  In hindsight, I can see that at times caring for others came at the expense of their own health and wellbeing. Let me tell you more.

My mother was interested in nutrition and was very health focussed so it was a terrible shock when at the age of 41 her symptoms of jaundice were diagnosed as cancer.   Tragically, she died a year later.  Losing a mother at the age of 4 was a defining moment in my life and it started me on my journey to seek healing, health and wellbeing for myself.   At 13 I discovered yoga and have hooked ever since.  For me Yoga creates a true feeling of wellbeing and has supported me through all of life’s ups and downs.  Yoga grounds, centres and calms me and has been fundamental in helping me manage the anxiety stemming from my childhood.  

 My love affair with yoga had me attending yoga classes daily, getting along to regular weekend retreats and then onto India to study directly under Yoga Masters.  I realised that my passion would also be my career and I undertook formal Yoga teacher Training in 1996.  At the same time I completed an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy in 1998.  

As women, we wear many hats; mothers, partners, daughters, sisters, aunts, grandmothers and friends (not to mention our professional roles!!).  It is for this reason that it is imperative that women take the time to really look after their own needs and health. My passion for supporting  women drew me to specialise in menstrual education, women’s health and menopause.

I am married with three children.  Our life is busy and sometimes chaotic as we pursue our interests, commitments and dreams.  I well understand the competing demands women face on a daily basis. The challenge is to prioritise self-care alongside the care of our loved ones.  It is achievable and everyone benefits.

Supporting women to nurture themselves, be healthy and to feel good in their own skin is my passion.

Click here to see my professional background